Why Sea moss!?

Why Sea moss!?

Sea moss has made a huge comeback! As its popularity makes it at high demand. Sea moss has been used for thousands of years and most are just beginning to hear of it for the first time in their lives! But, Sea moss has been around for at least 14,000 years! Its powerful all in one power punch combination of rich and abudant minerals makes it one of the top supplments for health of all time. Sea moss contains a very important mineral that the body doesnt produce on its own. The body must find it from outside sources. That mineral is IODINE. Iodine is an essental mineral for proper thyroid production. Without it our thyroids cannnot transmit the hormone called thyroxine which is responsible for many of our thyroid functions (Brain development, digestive functioning, muscle repair and more!). We must fuel our body with the best the Earth has to offer and Sea moss is definitely one of them!


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